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About The Learning Institute

The Learning Institute for Nonprofit Organizations was founded in 1996 as a program of the Society for Nonprofit Organizations.  The goal of the Learning Institute is to provide affordable, accessible educational programs for all involved in the nonprofit sector.  We started with satellite delivery, moved to video cassette, and are now proud to offer our programs via the internet using a custom developed and easily navigable user interface.  Throughout our history, we have partnered with organizations like: United Way of America, PBS, University of Wisconsin - Extension, Michigan State University, and Computer User Technologies (CPUTEC).  All of our programs feature some of the finest and most recognizable experts in their field, and they have now been taught to over 16,000 satisfied learners.

If you would like more information about the Learning Institute, we would be glad to speak with you.  You may contact us at the following addresses:

Content / Educational Materials
SNPO - Society for Nonprofit Organizations
5820 Canton Center Rd, Ste #165
Canton, MI  48187
Ph: 734-451-3582
Fax: 734-451-5935
Web: http://www.snpo.org
Email: Submit Online (Questions/Comments)

Billing / Technical Support
VXLC - VX Learning Center
A Division of Computer User Technologies, Inc. (CPUTEC)
33905 West Nine Mile Rd, Ste #103
Farmington Hills, MI  48335-4713
Ph: 248-888-0456
Fax: 248-888-0457
Email: Submit Online (Technical Support)

Technical Support for Enrolled Students
Normal Business Days
9:00 AM EST - 5:00 PM EST
Ph: 248-819-1710

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