Nonprofit Careers - The Society's site for posting and finding nonprofit jobs, board positions, and volunteer opportunities. Free for job seekers and Society members. Non-members receive their first posting for free, and pay only $50/post for additional listings.
Action Without Border's - IdeaList - Find a position or find someone to fill a position. For a listing of new jobs only, go directly to this IdeaList page.
Career Builder -'s "Quick Job Search" for the non-profit positions.
Career Center - An on-line gathering place where not-for-profit employers and management personnel can meet one another.
Career Search Online -'s job search website.
Chronicle of Philanthropy - Job Listings - An online listing of the job openings published in the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
DRG - The Development Resource Group Inc. is an executive search consultant for the nonprofit sector. This web site explains their service but also has some outstanding resources related to nonprofit compensation and benefits. They also publish a quarterly webzine ("The Difference") that focuses on some important nonprofit issues and provide a number of useful career tips.
EARN Jobs - A listing of jobs from EARN (the Economic Analysis and Research Network) - a project of the Economic Policy Institute. EARN links local, state and national groups that conduct and disseminate research, develop policy and advocate on a range of issues, including wages and benefits, incomes, jobs, unemployment, workforce and economic development, minimum and living wages, Social Security, education, tax and budget, and health care.
Energize: Volunteer Management Jobs - A listing maintained by Energize Inc. that focuses exclusively on volunteer management jobs such as "Director of Volunteers," "Membership Coordinator," "Outreach Coordinator," or "Community Service Leader.
ExecSearches.Com - offers an easy to navigate interface for recruiters to post jobs and for job seekers and those just browsing to quickly find employment opportunities in their areas of interest. With up to 400,000 targeted users per month from a clientele base of senior level professionals in nonprofit, public sector, higher education, health, government, and other industries important to our civic infrastructure, there is no better site on the Internet to help promote your open position.
Goodworks Jobsearch - GOOD WORKS is a national directory of social change organizations and is the first directory to present alternatives to traditional corporate employment.
Moving Ideas: Job Page - As the leading source for easily searched and sorted progressive policy information, Moving Ideas provides the background information for citizen activism via the Internet. Their job page features nonprofit positions in related organizations.
Nonprofit Career Network - Based out of Middletown , CT , this site includes national job listings, resume database, job calendar, directory of nonprofit organizations, and more.
Nonprofit Times Jobs - The classified ads for jobs that are published in Nonprofit Times are now available on line.
NonprofitOyster - This commercial web site was founded in May of 2001 with the belief that employment related to the nonprofit sector is under-rated and under-resourced, yet working in and with the nonprofit sector offers great personal fulfillment, spiritual growth, and community bonds. The site supports the nonprofit sector by offering a venue for posting low-cost nonprofit-related job vacancy announcements.
Opportunity Knocks - This site provides comprehensive job classifieds in the nonprofit sector throughout the United States and world-wide. In addition, the site provides career development and job search resources.
Philanthropy Journal: Jobs/Links - This free online news publication published by the A.J. Fletcher Foundation in Raleigh, North Carolina has job postings.
Where Are The Nonprofit Jobs Listed? - An outstanding list of sources organized as an FAQ by Putnam Barber.